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Steps to Follow

1- Find an article about your topic. Just search on google according to your needs.

2- Open the go*o*gle-t*rans*lator webpage. Copy and past the article that you‘ve found into go*o*gle-t*rans*lator.

3- Assuming it is in english. First translate it from english to spanish. Then Spanish to english again. Then from English to French. Then from French to German. Then from German to English.

4- Finally you get unique content for free. The meaning of sentences is very good.



原文:Hey folks, I wanted to let you know that new toolbar PageRank values should become visible over the next few days. I’m expecting that also in the next few days that we’ll be expiring some older penalties on websites.

先翻译成法语:Salut les gens, je voulais vous faire savoir que les nouvelles valeurs de PageRank de la barre d’outils devrait être visible au cours des prochains jours. Je suis également l‘espoir que dans les prochains jours que nous serons certains anciens expirant sanctions sur les sites Web.

再翻译回英语:Hi people, I wanted you to know that the new values of PageRank the toolbar should be visible in the coming days. I also hope that in the coming days as we are certain former expiring sanctions on Web sites.

再把其改造成德语:Hi Leute, ich wollte Sie wissen, dass die neuen Werte der PageRank der Symbolleiste sichtbar sein soll in den kommenden Tagen. Ich hoffe auch, dass in den kommenden Tagen, wie wir sind sicher, ehemalige auslaufenden Sanktionen auf Web-Sites.

折回:Hi guys, I wanted you to know that the new values of the PageRank the toolbar should be visible in the coming days. I also hope that in the coming days, as we are sure, the former expiring sanctions on Web sites.


Hey folks, I wanted to let you know that new toolbar PageRank values should become visible over the next few days. I’m expecting that also in the next few days that we’ll be expiring some older penalties on websites.








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